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20090 results for subjectCode: D - page 200 of 1005
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Collection général des décrets rendus par l'Assemblée nationale, avec la mention des sanctions & acceptations données par le roi.
Collection générale des loix, proclamations, instructions, et autres actes du pouvoir exécutif, De lÍmprimerie royale
Collection pour l'étude des antiquités nationales. C. Klincksieck
Collection. 0068-2969
Collection. Éditions "La Porte."
Collections for a history of Staffordshire / Harrison
Collections for a history of Staffordshire. [Staffordshire Record Society]
Collections for a history of Staffordshire. William Salt Archaeological Society 1469-5480
Collections historical & archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire / [The Club]
Collections, historical & archaeological relating to Montgomeryshire / J. Russell Smith
Collections. The Kilmarnock Standard, ltd. [etc.] 0567-3151
Colloque de Cotonou 0588-6287
Colloquia : journal of Central European History / "Babeş-Bolyai" University ; Institute of Central European Studies. Cluj University Press 1223-5261
Colloquium anatolicum. Türk Eskiçağ Bilimleri Enstitüsü 1303-8486
Colloquium. Goa Institute for Historical and Cultural Research
Colloquium. John Wiley & Sons 0010-1311
Colḷecció de manuscrits indèdits de monjos del reial Monestir de Santa Maria de Poblet. Impr. Altés
Colony of North Borneo; H.M. Stationery Off.
Colony of Singapore annual report. G.P.O., Singapore
Coloquio : publicación periódica del Congreso Judío Latinoamericano, rama del Congreso Judío Mundial. Congreso Judío Latinoamericano 1022-9833
20090 results for subjectCode: D - page 200 of 1005