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20090 results for subjectCode: D - page 642 of 1005
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Polish weekly. Polish Press Agency
Polish western affairs. Instytut Zachodni 0032-3039
Politeja : pismo Wydziału Studiów Międzynarodowych i Politycznych Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Wydawn. Plus 1733-6716
Politica e Storia 0554-5072
Politica. Societa editrice Politica
Political and economic spectrum of the Soviet Union. Nova Science Publishers 1057-2295
Political events annual. Sterling Publishers
Political handbook & NGO calendar. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung
Political report of the Anti-apartheid Movement. The Movement
Politicheskai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ Rossii. [Gos. muzeĭ politicheskoĭ istorii Rossii]
Politicheskai︠a︡ istorii︠a︡ stran vostochnoĭ Evropy posle 1945 g. v zarubezhnykh issledovanii︠a︡kh / INION
Politicheskai︠a︡ strategii︠a︡ imperializma na rubezhe 70-kh godov / Izd-vo "Myslʹ"
Politicheskie prot︠s︡essy v uslovii︠a︡kh perestroĭki / Institut
Politicheskīĭ zhurnal : V Universitetskoĭ tip
Politická knihovna "Čechoslováka."
Politics & business : Published by Humayun Gauhar for Humayun Gauhar & Associates
Politics and society in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Institute of German, Austrian, & Swiss Affairs 0954-6030
Politics and the times : Politics and the Times
Politics for the people, or, A salmagundy for swine. Printed for D.I. Eaton
Politics for the people, or, A Salmagundy for swine. Greenwood Reprint Corp
20090 results for subjectCode: D - page 642 of 1005