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20090 results for subjectCode: D - page 651 of 1005
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Prāyaścita. K.G. Mittala
PRC official activities and monthly bibliography / The Institute
PRC quarterly = Xinhua (New China) Pub. House] ;
Pregled na aktivnosta na opštesveno-političkite organizacii na SR Makedonija. Opštestveno-političkite orgnaizacii na SR Makedonija
Pregled, Republika Srbija. Jugoslovenski pregled 1452-7081
Pregled, Srbija i Crna Gora. Jugoslovenski pregled 1451-4761
Pregled. 0032-7271
Preistoria Alpina. Edizione del Museo Tridentino di Scienze Naturali
Premio Pietro Torta per il restauro di Venezia. Ateneo Veneto
Prepodavanie istorii v shkole. Izd-vo "Pedagogika" 0132-0696
Presence africaine. [s.n.] 0032-7638
Present tense. American Jewish Committee 0092-4091
Presente y pasado. Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Escuela de Historia 1316-1369
President Gamal Abdel-Nasser's speeches and press-interviews. Information Dept
President's report - Free Europe Committee.
Press advisory /
Press release / Permanent Mission of the People's Republic of Angola to the United Nations
Press review / [publisher not identified]
Press service of the Czechoslovak National Council of America. Czechoslovak National Council of America
Pressespiegel : Blick nach drüben : aus Zeitungen und Zeitschriften Mitteldeutschlands / hrsg. vom Bundesministerium für Innerdeutsche Beziehungen. Bundesministerium für gesamtdeutsche Fragen 0032-7905
20090 results for subjectCode: D - page 651 of 1005