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30169 results for subjectCode: T - page 1424 of 1509
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Turkish journal of electrical engineering & computer sciences : TÜBİTAK, Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey 1303-6203
Turkish journal of engineering & environmental sciences Türk mühendislik ve çevre bilimleri dergisi. Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey 1300-0160
TUT : Eurédia SA 1161-9317
TV communications. Communications Pub. Corp 0039-8519
TVA / [U.S. G.P.O.]
TVA reservoir elevations and storage volumes. Tennessee Valley Authority, Water Control Planning Department, Hydraulic Data Division
TVC. Cardiff Pub. Co., etc 0164-8489
TVF : Esselte Aktibolag
Two- and three-dimensional methods for inspection and metrology. SPIE
Two- and three-dimensional vision systems for inspection, control, and metrology. SPIE
Tworzywa wielkocza̦steczkowe. Instytut Tworzyw Sztucznych
Tworzywa, guma, lakiery. Instytut Tworzyw Sztucznych
TWPCA pipeline. Texas Water Pollution Control Association
Tydományos közlemények.
Työtehoseuran vuosikirja. Työtehoseura 0785-5362
TZ für Metallbearbeitung. Industrieverlag von Hernhaussen 0170-9577
Tʻai-wan kung lu kung chʻeng = Taiwan highway engineering. Tʻai-wan kung lu kung chʻeng yüeh kʻan she 0496-7097
T͡Sement. Izd-vo lit-ry po stroitlʹstvu 0372-1736
T︠S︡elli︠u︡loza, bumaga, karton = Izd-vo "Ėkologii︠a︡"
30169 results for subjectCode: T - page 1424 of 1509