Search Results

2748 results for subjectCode: U - page 129 of 138
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Transportation research. Elsevier Science Ltd. 1366-5545
Traverses. Éditions de Minuit 0336-9730
Treble poets. Chatto & Windus
Trend data Veterans Administration. Office of Reports and Statistics 0740-1027
Tromura. Universitetet i Tromsø, Institutt for museumsvirksomhet 0333-2802
Tropical Products Institute report. The Institute 0144-9982
Tropical Products Institute. The Institute 0144-2325
TRRL report. Transport and Road Research Laboratory, Dept. of the Environment
Trudy Gosudarstvennogo Ėrmitazha. Izd-vo Gos. Ėrmitazha 0457-4397
Trudy Instituta obshcheĭ fiziki / Nauka 0233-9390
Trudy Nikolaevskogo korablestroitelʹnogo instituta / Institut 0372-1256
Trudy Vi︠a︡tskogo pedagogicheskogo instituta im. V.I. Lenina. Izd. Vi︠a︡tskogo pedagogicheskogo instituta im. V.I. Lenina
Truppenpraxis. [Wehr und Wissen Verlagsgesellschaft]
Tupac : [publisher not identified]
Twayne's United States authors series. Twayne Publishers 0496-6015
Twayne's world authors series. Twayne Publishers 0564-5603
U.S. Army Register 0362-8434
U.S. Army register / G.P.O. :
U.S. Army register. U.S. Govt. Print. Off.
2748 results for subjectCode: U - page 129 of 138