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2748 results for subjectCode: U - page 131 of 138
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
University of Cincinnati classical studies. [University of Oklahoma Press]
University of Kansas publications in anthropology. The University 0085-2457
University of Miami publications in English and American literature. University of Miami Press 0539-6921
University of Montana bulletin. State School of Mines
University of New Mexico publications in meteoritics. University of New Mexico Press 0097-0476
University of Otago studies in prehistoric anthropology. 0111-1833
Unterrichtsblätter für die Bundeswehrverwaltung. 0042-0611
Urban and regional planning series. Pergamon Press
Urban paper. Ministry of State, Urban Affairs Canada
Uruguay hoy / Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios sobre el Desarrollo
USAF instructors journal. U.S. Air Force; for sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. Govt. Print. Off. 0041-5456
USAPRO technical research report. The Office
Utah Geological Association publication. The Association 0375-8176
UUA now. Unitarian Universalist Association 0503-2644
VA Fact Sheet IS 0083-3576
VA station addresses, identification numbers, and territorial jurisdictions.
Vatican Observatory publications. Specola vaticana
Văn nghệ Quân đội. Quân đội nhân dân Việt Nam 2354-1296
Vedecké práce Výskumného ústavu lesného hospodárstva vo Zvolene Vydala Priroda 0375-4936
Verde oliva. Ejército Argentino
2748 results for subjectCode: U - page 131 of 138