Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Verde-oliva. |
Veröffentlichungen des Zentralinstituts für Physik der Erde. |
Das Zentralinstitut |
0514-8790 |
Verordnungsblatt des Königlich Bayerischen Kriegsministeriums. |
Gedruckt im K. Bayerischen Kriegsministerium |
Veröffentlichungen der Landwirtschaftlich-Chemischen Bundesversuchsanstalt Linz/D. |
Die Anstalt |
0379-5330 |
Veröffentlichungen des Geobotanischen Institutes Rübel in Zürich. |
Kommissionsverlag von Rascher |
Veröffentlichungen des Staatsarchivs Potsdam. |
[H. Böhlaus Nachf.] |
Verslagen der bedrijven diensten en commissies van Amsterdam. |
[publisher not identified] |
Vesnik / Vojni muzej, Beograd. |
Vojni muzej |
0067-5660 |
Vestnik granit︠s︡y. |
Izd-vo Granit︠s︡a |
Vestnik Moskovskogo universiteta. |
Izd-vo Moskovskogo universiteta |
0579-9430 |
Vestnik protivovozdushnoĭ oborony : |
Voennoe izd-vo Ministerstva oborony Soi︠u︡za SSR |
0134-918X |
Veteran population / |
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Planning and Management Analysis, Management Sciences Service |
Veteran population estimates by state, age and period of service. |
Dept. of Veterans Affairs |
Veteranotes. |
Michigan Veterans Trust Fund, Board of Trustees |
0278-7156 |
Veterans benefits and services : |
[Michigan Legislature] |
Veterans equitable resource allocation system. |
Dept. of Veterans Affairs |
Veterans in Illinois. |
Dept. of Labor, Bureau of Employment Security, Research & Analysis |
Veterans service organizations ... directory. |
Office of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs |
Veterans with mental disorders resident in Veterans Administration hospitals. |
U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health |
0090-7472 |
Veterans' Administration activities / submitted by the Veterans' Administration to the Committee on Veterans' Affairs, United States Senate. |
U.S. G.P.O. |
0090-094X |