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14028 results for subjectCode: Z - page 391 of 702
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Labour statistics: [Govt. Printer]
LAD newsletter. American Library Association, Library Administration Division 0098-7972
Lagos librarian. Nigerian Library Association, Lagos Division 0047-3901
Lakeland libarian [sic] : The Association
LAMA newsletter. Library Administration and Management Association [etc.] 0193-0451
Land resource bibliography. Land Resources Division, Ministry of Overseas Development 0309-1643
Landesbibliographie von Baden-Württemberg / W. Kohlhammer 0170-2378
Language and automation. Center for Applied Linguistics 0023-8287
Language and language teaching: current research in Britain. Longman
Language and literature index quarterly : CoBRa Verlag
Language resources and evaluation. Springer 1574-020X
Laṅkā Saṅgarā nāmāvaliya, 1971. National Museum Library
Laporan tahunan Perpustakaan Keliling Propinsi Sumatera Barat. Pustakel
Laporan tahunan Perpustakaan Negara, Dep P dan K, Padang. PRNEG
Lapuran tahunan - Perpustakaan Negeri Sabah. Perpustakaan Negeri Sabah
Lapuran tahunan - Perpustakaan Sultan Ismail. Perpustakaan Sultan Ismail
LARC series on automated activities in health sciences libraries. LARC Assn 0095-0181
Large space structures & systems in the space station era : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Division
Large type books in print. Bowker 0163-3198
LAS news : Directorate of Library and Archives Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture
14028 results for subjectCode: Z - page 391 of 702