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14028 results for subjectCode: Z - page 393 of 702
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Latvijas PSR bibliogrāfisko līdzekl̦u rādītājs / Palāta
Latvijas PSR prese = Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība
Latvijas PSR preses hronika. Latvijas Valsts Izdevniecība [etc.] 0130-9226
Law and computer technology. World Peace Through Law Center, Section on Law and Computer Technology 0023-9178
Law libraries in the United States and Canada. Published for the American Association of Law Libraries by Commerce Clearing House
Law reform in the Commonwealth. Commonwealth Secretariat
LC acquisition trends. Library of Congress 0146-8936
LC science tracer bullet. Reference Section, Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress 0090-5232
LC special foreign acquisitions program newsletter. Library of Congress 0191-0906
Le Bibliographe alsacien. [Veuve Berger-Levrault]
Le Bibliographe moderne : courrier international des archives et des bibliothèques / publiée sous la direction de Henri Stein. Auguste Picard 1256-2157
Le bibliophile belge. Fr.-J. Olivier 0776-538X
Le bibliophile belge. Librairie Ancienne et Moderne 0776-5401
Le Bibliophile français : Bachelin-Deflorenne
Le Bibliophile français. Librairie de Mme. Bachelin-Deflorenne
Le Bibliophile illustré. Trübner & Co.
Le Bibliophile. Publications papyrus
Le Bibliophile; Publications papyrus
Le bouquiniste français. [Syndicat de la librairie ancienne et moderne]
Le Bulletin du livre. 0007-456X
14028 results for subjectCode: Z - page 393 of 702