Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Directory of associate agencies / CWLA, Child Welfare League of America, Inc. |
The League |
0277-7177 |
Directory of college geography of the United States. |
Geographical Studies and Research Center, Eastern Kentucky University |
Directory of companies offering dividend reinvestment plans. |
Evergreen Enterprises |
1045-0041 |
Directory of designated members / |
The Institute |
Directory of editorial resources. |
Editorial Experts, Inc. |
0731-4426 |
Directory of federal historical programs and activities. |
Society for History in the Federal Government : American Historical Association : National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History |
1048-0110 |
Directory of fire research / Committee on Fire Research, Commission of Sociotechnical Systems, National Research Council. |
National Academy of Sciences |
0198-8271 |
Directory of fire research in the United States. |
National Academy of Sciences |
0419-2648 |
Directory of foreign investment in the U.S. : real estate and business. |
Gale Research Inc. |
1050-8694 |
Directory of franchising organizations. |
Pilot Books |
0070-556X |
Directory of governmental air pollution agencies. |
Air Pollution Control Association |
0090-807X |
Directory of graduate programs in arts & humanities and other fields. |
Educational Testing Service |
Directory of graduate research. |
American Chemical Society |
0193-5011 |
Directory of grants for organizations serving people with disabilities. |
Research Grant Guides |
1077-3282 |
Directory of historical organizations in the United States and Canada. |
AASLH Press, American Association for State and Local History |
1045-456X |
Directory of information management software for libraries, information centers, record centers. |
Cibbarelli & Associates |
Directory of information management software for libraries, information centers, record centers. Supplement. |
Pacific Information, Inc. |
Directory of Latin Americanists at Arizona State University. |
Center for Latin American Studies, Arizona State University |
Directory of library automation software, systems, and services. |
Learned Information, Inc. |
1071-264X |
Directory of literary magazines / prepared by The Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines. |
The Council |
0884-6006 |