Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 272 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Directory of associate agencies / CWLA, Child Welfare League of America, Inc. The League 0277-7177
Directory of college geography of the United States. Geographical Studies and Research Center, Eastern Kentucky University
Directory of companies offering dividend reinvestment plans. Evergreen Enterprises 1045-0041
Directory of designated members / The Institute
Directory of editorial resources. Editorial Experts, Inc. 0731-4426
Directory of federal historical programs and activities. Society for History in the Federal Government : American Historical Association : National Coordinating Committee for the Promotion of History 1048-0110
Directory of fire research / Committee on Fire Research, Commission of Sociotechnical Systems, National Research Council. National Academy of Sciences 0198-8271
Directory of fire research in the United States. National Academy of Sciences 0419-2648
Directory of foreign investment in the U.S. : real estate and business. Gale Research Inc. 1050-8694
Directory of franchising organizations. Pilot Books 0070-556X
Directory of governmental air pollution agencies. Air Pollution Control Association 0090-807X
Directory of graduate programs in arts & humanities and other fields. Educational Testing Service
Directory of graduate research. American Chemical Society 0193-5011
Directory of grants for organizations serving people with disabilities. Research Grant Guides 1077-3282
Directory of historical organizations in the United States and Canada. AASLH Press, American Association for State and Local History 1045-456X
Directory of information management software for libraries, information centers, record centers. Cibbarelli & Associates
Directory of information management software for libraries, information centers, record centers. Supplement. Pacific Information, Inc.
Directory of Latin Americanists at Arizona State University. Center for Latin American Studies, Arizona State University
Directory of library automation software, systems, and services. Learned Information, Inc. 1071-264X
Directory of literary magazines / prepared by The Coordinating Council of Literary Magazines. The Council 0884-6006
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 272 of 1080