Title |
Publisher |
Program (Institution) |
Directory of little magazines. |
L. V. Fulton |
0084-9979 |
Directory of management consultants / compiled and published by Consultants News. |
Consultants News |
0743-6890 |
Directory of member agencies - Child Welfare League of America, inc. |
Child Welfare League of America |
0147-9180 |
Directory of member agencies / Child Welfare League of America. |
1042-9042 |
Directory of member agencies and associates. |
Child Welfare League of America |
0361-767X |
Directory of member agencies. |
Child Welfare League of America |
Directory of members - American Philological Association. |
Scholars Press [etc.] |
0044-779X |
Directory of members / Appraisal Institute. |
The Institute |
1061-1673 |
Directory of members / The Institute. |
American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers |
0569-5821 |
Directory of nuclear research reactors. |
International Atomic Energy Agency |
0074-1906 |
Directory of obsolete securities. |
Financial Information, inc |
0085-0551 |
Directory of outplacement firms. |
Kennedy & Kennedy, Inc. |
0735-3707 |
Directory of physics & astronomy faculties in North American colleges & universities / American Institute of Physics. |
American Institute of Physics |
0419-3253 |
Directory of physics & astronomy faculties: United States, Canada, Mexico. |
American Institute of Physics |
00923451 |
Directory of physics & astronomy staff members. |
American Institute of Physics |
0361-2228 |
Directory of physics faculties: |
[American Association of Physics Teachers, American Institute of Physics] |
0092-4008 |
Directory of physics, astronomy & geophysics staff |
American Institute of Physics |
10938273 |
Directory of playwrights, directors, designers. |
J. Offord (Publications) |
0265-0932 |
Directory of publications resources. |
Editorial Experts, Inc. |
1062-8010 |
Directory of regional councils |
The Association |