Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 287 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Economic and social history in the Netherlands Nederlandsch Economisch-Historisch Archief 09251669
Economic and social survey of Asia and the Pacific / United Nations. United Nations 0252-5704
Economic botany. New York Botanical Garden, etc 0013-0001
Economic bulletin / Die Wirtschaftsforschung 0343-754X
Economic bulletin. Research Dept., National Bank of Egypt 0304-274X
Economic choices. Brookings Institution
Economic conditions, governmental finance, United States securities / National City Bank of New York
Economic design Elsevier Science 0928-5040
Economic development and cultural change. University of Chicago Press 0013-0079
Economic development quarterly. Sage Publications 0891-2424
Economic eye. Keizai Koho Center 0389-0503
Economic forum. Economic Forum 0195-8550
Economic geography. Clark University 0013-0095
Economic geology and the bulletin of the Society of Economic Geologists. Economic Geology Pub. Co. 0361-0128
Economic geology. Economic Geology Pub. Co. 0013-0109
Economic indicators handbook : time series, conversions, documentation. Gale Research 1075-3834
Economic inquiry. Western Economic Association International [etc.] 0095-2583
Economic modelling. Butterworths 0264-9993
Economic notes. Monte dei paschi di Siena 0391-5026
Economic papers / The Economic Society of Australia. The Society 0812-0439
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 287 of 1080