Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 778 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Quondam et futurus. English Dept., Memphis State University 8755-3627
R & D management. Basil Blackwell 0033-6807
R and D outlook : research and development in the Canadian corporate sector. Conference Board of Canada 0836-1371
R.M.A. research chronicle. Royal Musical Association with the support of the Fellowes Memorial Trust and the R.V.W. Trust 0080-4460
Rabels Zeitschrift für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht. J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) [etc.] 0033-7250
RACAR, revue d'art canadienne. Canadian art review. Society for the Promotion of Art History Publications in Canada 0315-9906
Race & class. Institute of Race Relations 0306-3968
Race, ethnicity and education. Carfax Pub. Ltd. 1361-3324
Race, gender & class. Institute for Teaching and Research on Women, Towson State University 1082-8354
Race, sex & class : an interdisciplinary journal. Center for Research on Race, Sex, and Class, Dept. of Sociology and Social Work, University of Wisconsin-Superior 1075-8925
Race. Institute of Race Relations [etc.] 0033-7277
Rackham literary studies. University of Michigan 0360-7887
Radiation and environmental biophysics. Springer 0301-634X
Radiation botany. Pergamon Press 0033-7560
Radiation effects and defects in solids. Gordon & Breach 1042-0150
Radiation measurements. Pergamon Press 1350-4487
Radiation physics and chemistry. Pergamon 0969-806X
Radiation physics and chemistry; the international journal for radiation reactions, processes and industrial applications. Pergamon Press 0146-5724
Radiation research. Academic Press 0033-7587
Radiation research. Supplement. Academic Press 0485-8611
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 778 of 1080