Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 780 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Rakunō Gakuen Daigaku kiyō. Shizen kagaku hen = Journal of the College of Dairying. Natural science. Rakunō Gakuen Daigaku 0388-001X
Ramus : critical studies in Greek and Roman literature. Aureal Publications 0048-671X
Rand research review. Rand Corporation 0740-9281
Rand review. Rand Corporation 1557-2897
Random structures & algorithms. J. Wiley 1042-9832
Rangeland ecology & management. Alliance Communications Group 1550-7424
Rangelands. Society for Range Management 0190-0528
Ranking Arizona: the best of Arizona business Arizona Business Magazine 1946-9179
Rankings & estimates : rankings of the states ... and estimates of school statistics ... / NEA Research. NEA Research 1931-4809
Rankings of the States. Research Division, National Education Association of the United States 0077-4332
Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM. Heyden 0951-4198
Rapport : West coast review of books, art & entertainment Rapport Pub. Co 10616861
Rapport annuel / Centre national pour l'exploitation des océans American Phytopathological Society 0191-2917
Rapport d'activité / La Université
Rapport d'activités de l'institut de phonet́ique. Université libre de Bruxelles, Institut de phonétique 0777-3692
Rapport d'activités de l'Institut des langues vivantes et de phonétique. Université libre de Bruxelles, Institut des langues vivantes et de phonétique
Rapport préliminaire / Secrétariat de l'AIPC
Rare books and manuscripts librarianship. Association of College and Research Libraries 0884-450X
Rare coin review. Bowers and Ruddy Galleries 0095-263X
Rarefied gas dynamics. Academic Press [etc.] 0539-0613
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 780 of 1080