Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 796 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Research in multi-level issues. JAI 1475-9144
Research in nursing & health. Wiley Subscription Services 0160-6891
Research in organizational change and development. JAI Press 0897-3016
Research in personnel and human resources management. JAI Press 0742-7301
Research in phenomenology. Duquesne University Press 0085-5553
Research in philosophy & technology. JAI Press 0161-7249
Research in political economy. JAI Press 0161-7230
Research in political sociology. JAI Press Inc. 0895-9935
Research in population economics. JAI Press 0163-7878
Research in real estate : a research annual. JAI Press 0731-7999
Research in rural education. College of Education, University of Maine 8756-0534
Research in science education Australian Science Education Research Association 0157-244X
Research in social movements, conflicts and change. JAI Press 0163-786X
Research in sociology of knowledge, sciences and art. JAI Press 0163-0180
Research in strategic management and information technology. JAI Press, Inc. 1082-0396
Research in the history of economic thought and methodology. JAI Press 0743-4154
Research in the history of economic thought and methodology. JAI Press 1051-6751
Research in the social scientific study of religion. JAI Press 1046-8064
Research in the sociology of health care. JAI Press 0275-4959
Research in the sociology of organizations. Jai Press 0733-558X
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 796 of 1080