Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 797 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Research in the sociology of work. JAI Press 0277-2833
Research in the teaching of English. National Council of Teachers of English 0034-527X
Research in transportation economics. JAI Press 0739-8859
Research in urban policy. JAI Press Inc. 1479-3520
Research in urban sociology. JAI Press 1047-0042
Research in veterinary science. British Veterinary Association [etc] 0034-5288
Research in virology. Elsevier 0923-2516
Research in Yoruba language and literature. Yoruba Language and Literature Club 1115-4322
Research intelligence British Educational Research Association, School of Education, University of Nottingham 0307-9023
Research journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation. The Federation 1047-7624
Research libraries in OCLC / OCLC. OCLC 0273-2351
Research management. Industrial Research Institute 0034-5334
Research on aging. Sage Publications 0164-0275
Research on chemical intermediates. Elsevier 0922-6168
Research on economic inequality. JAI Press 1049-2585
Research on language and computation Kluwer Springer 1570-7075
Research on language and social interaction. Boreal 0835-1813
Research on negotiation in organizations. JAI Press 1040-9556
Research on social work practice. Sage Publications 1049-7315
Research on sociocultural influences on motivation and learning. Information Age Pub. 1531-2828
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 797 of 1080