Search Results

3953 results for validationLevel: Page - page 37 of 198
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Cityscape : a journal of policy development and research / U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research. U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, Office of Policy Development and Research 1936-007X
Civilisations. Institut International des Civilisations Différentes 0009-8140
CLA journal. College Language Association 0007-8549
Classical antiquity. University of California Press 0278-6656
Classical philology. University of Chicago Press 0009-837X
Classical quarterly. Clarendon Press [etc.] 0009-8388
Classics Ireland. Classical Association of Ireland 0791-9417
Classroom interaction newsletter. School of Education, The American University 0009-8485
Cleveland studies in the history of art. Cleveland Museum of Art 1092-3934
Climate research. Inter-Research 0936-577X
Clinical infectious diseases : University of Chicago Press 1058-4838
Clogher record. Cloger Diocesan Historical Society 0412-8079
Cognition and instruction. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 0737-0008
Coleopterists Society monographs Patricia Vaurie series Allen Press 1934-0451
Collectanea Hibernica; sources for Irish history. Assisi Press [etc.] 0530-7058
College art journal College Art Association of America 1543-6322
College composition and communication. National Council of Teachers of English 0010-096X
College English. National Council of Teachers of English 0010-0994
College literature. West Chester State College 0093-3139
College music symposium. College Music Society 0069-5696
3953 results for validationLevel: Page - page 37 of 198