Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 29 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Aequationes mathematicae. Birkhàˆuser 0001-9054
Aerial photography news.
Aero/space engineering / Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences. The Institute 0096-669X
Aeronautical engineering review / Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences. The Institute 0096-4352
Aerospace America. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 0740-722X
Aerospace facts and figures / Aerospace Industries Association of America. Aero Publishers 0898-4425
Aerospace historian. Air Force Historical Foundation 0001-9364
Aerospace review. [Trevor-Hobbs]
Aevum antiquum / Istituto di filologia classica e di papirologia. Vita e Pensiero 1121-8932
Affirmative action compliance program of Eastman Kodak Company.
AFI report. 0044-7684
AFP exchange. AFP 1528-4077
Africa confidential. Miramoor Publications Ltd., etc 0044-6483
Africa contemporary record; annual survey and documents. Africana Pub. Co. [etc.] 0065-3845
Africa insight. Africa Institute 0256-2804
Africa international. Africa S.A. 1143-1466
Africa monitor. Business Monitor International 1754-226X
Africa monitor. Business Monitor International 1754-2251
Africa news. Africa News Service 0191-6521
Africa quarterly. Indian Centre for Africa [etc.] 0001-9828
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 29 of 1073