Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 31 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Africa, political, social, and cultural. Africa Research
Africa. Oxford University Press 0001-9720
Africa. Africa Journal Ltd. 0044-6475
Africa. Africa
Africa. Stryker-Post Publications 0084-2281
Africa. Business Books International 1536-1454
Africa: economic, financial and technical. Africa Research Bureau
African abstracts. International African Institute 0568-1200
African affairs. Published for the Royal African Society by the Oxford University Press 0001-9909
African concord international. African Concord Ltd.
African concord. African Concord Ltd.
African economic history review s.n. 0360-6333
African economic history. African Studies Center, Boston University, etc 0145-2258
African Economic Research Consortium plenary sessions. Oxford University Press
African freedom annual. [Southern African Freedom Foundation]
African invertebrates : a journal of biodiversity research. Council of the Natal Museum 1681-5556
African issues. African Studies Association 1548-4505
African journal of library, archives & information science. Archlib & Information Services 0795-4778
African journal of reproductive health Women's Health and Action Research Centre 1118-4841
African language studies. School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London 0065-3985
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 31 of 1073