Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 33 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Afro-Americans in New York life and history. [Afro-American Historical Association of the Niagara Frontier] 0364-2437
Afro-Hispanic review : publication of the Afro-Hispanic Institute. The Institute 0278-8969
Afro-Mideast economic bulletin. 0568-1944
Afterimage. Visual Studies Workshop 0300-7472
Against the current Against the Current 0739-4853
Against the grain. Katina Strauch 1043-2094
Age Springer 2452-0756
Age : the journal of the American Aging Association. The Association 0161-9152
Age and ageing. Oxford University Press [etc.] 0002-0729
Agenda : a journal about women and gender. Agenda Collective 1013-0950
Agenda for change update. The Commission
Agenda. Published for the London School of Economics and Political Science by Humphrey Milford
Aggressive behavior. Wiley-Liss, Inc. 0096-140X
AGI news letter / The Institute
Aging and work. National Council on the Aging 0161-2514
Agni. Agni Review 1046-218X
Agricultura técnica. Ministerio de Agricultura [etc.] 0365-2807
Agricultural and food science in Finland. Agricultural Research Centre of Finland : Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland 1239-0992
Agricultural and food science. Scientific Agricultural Society of Finland and MTT Agrifood Research Finland 1459-6067
Agricultural and marine sciences Sultan Qaboos University
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 33 of 1073