Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 47 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
American journal of public health : the journal of the American Public Health Association. The Association 0271-4353
American journal of public health and the nation's health. American Public Health Association 0002-9572
American journal of science. Radiocarbon supplement American Journal of Science 1061592X
American journal of veterinary medicine. D.M. Campbell
American journalism : the publication of the American Journalism Historians Association. The Association 0882-1127
American journalism review : AJR. College of Journalism of the University of Maryland at College Park 1067-8654
American labor legislation review. American Association for Labor Legislation 2152-7911
American language review. B & B Pub. 1092-6992
American law and economics review. Oxford University Press 1465-7252
American law reports. Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co. 0730-837X
American law reports. Lawyers Cooperative Pub. 1062-2446
American law reports. Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co. ;
American law reports. Lawyers Co-operative Pub. Co. 0587-3010
American law reports. Thomson/West 1932-183X
American letters & commentary. American Letters and Commentary 1049-7153
American library & book trade annual / sponsored by the Council of National Library Associations and the Library journal. R.R. Bowker 0271-7441
American library annual and book trade almanac / sponsored by the Council of National Library Associations and the Library journal. R.R. Bowker 0747-9980
American library annual for ... / sponsored by the Council of National Library Associations and the Library journal. R.R. Bowker 0747-9972
American literary history. Oxford University Press 0896-7148
American literary realism. University of Illinois Press 1540-3084
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 47 of 1073