Search Results

21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 49 of 1073
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
American papermaker. Maclean Hunter Inc. 1056-4772
American perfumer and aromatics. Allured Pub. Corp., etc 0161-9993
American perfumer and cosmetics. Allured Pub. Corp 0003-0392
American perfumer. Allured Pub. Corp 0096-0896
American philosophical quarterly. Department of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh 0003-0481
American photography. American Photographic Pub. Co. 0097-577X
American physical education review / Committee on Publication and Information of the Council of the A.A.A.P.E.
American planning and civic annual : American Planning and Civic Association
American poetry. Harcourt, Brace
American points of view. Doubleday, Doran & Co.
American potato journal. Potato Association of America 0003-0589
American prefaces. Kraus Reprint Corp
American Presbyterians. Presbyterian Historical Society 0886-5159
American printer and lithographer. Maclean-Hunter Pub. Corp 0192-9933
American printer. Maclean Hunter Pub. Corp 0744-6616
American prints today. Print Council of America 0569-7085
American professional pharmacist. American Professional Pharmacist, inc 0096-0349
American quarterly review. Carey, Lea & Carey 1041-8962
American record guide. Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation, etc 0003-0716
American reference books annual. Libraries Unlimited 0065-9959
21449 results for validationLevel: Volume - page 49 of 1073