Search Results

37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 42 of 1892
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining : Springer
Advances in learning and behavioral disabilities. JAI Press
Advances in learning classifier systems : Springer
Advances in learning software organizations : Springer
Advances in legume systematics. Royal Botanic Gardens
Advances in library administration and organization. JAI Press 0732-0671
Advances in magnetic and optical resonance. Academic Press 1057-2732
Advances in man-machine systems research. Jai Press 0882-6137
Advances in manufacturing technology : Kogan Page
Advances in mass spectrometry. Applied Science Publishers [etc.] 0568-000X
Advances in materials manufacturing science and technology : Trans Tech Publications
Advances in materials research. Springer 1435-1889
Advances in mathematics. Academic Press 0001-8708
Advances in medical social science. Gordon and Breach 0275-5742
Advances in mental science Published for the Faculty for Advanced Studies of the Texas Research Institute of Mental Sciences, by the University of Texas Press 0572-3132
Advances in metrology. Instrument Society of America
Advances in microbiology of the sea. Academic Press 0065-292X
Advances in mirror technology for X-ray, EUV lithography, laser and other applications. SPIE
Advances in molten salt chemistry. Plenum Press 0065-2954
Advances in myocardiology. University Park Press 0270-4056
37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 42 of 1892