Search Results

37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 43 of 1892
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Advances in neural information processing systems. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 1049-5258
Advances in nonprofit marketing. JAI Press 0892-9556
Advances in nutritional research. Plenum Press 0149-9483
Advances in occupational ergonomics and safety : International Society for Occupational Ergonomics and Safety
Advances in optical information processing. SPIE--the International Society for Optical Engineering 1084-6468
Advances in optical thin films. SPIE
Advances in pain research and therapy. Raven Press 0146-0722
Advances in parallel and distributed computing : IEEE Computer Society Press
Advances in parallel computing. JAI Press 1057-3461
Advances in parasitology. Academic Press 0065-308X
Advances in pediatrics. Year Book Medical Publishers [etc.] 0065-3101
Advances in personality assessment. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates 0278-2367
Advances in petroleum chemistry and refining. Interscience Publishers 0568-0115
Advances in pharmacology. Academic Press 1054-3589
Advances in plant sciences research. International Book Distributors 0971-6386
Advances in plasma physics. Wiley [etc 0065-3187
Advances in plastics technology. Van Nostrand Reinhold 0272-9504
Advances in podiatric medicine and surgery. Mosby 1072-5253
Advances in polymer science = Fortschritte der Hochpolymeren-Forschung. Springer-Verlag 0065-3195
Advances in polymer technology. Van Nostrand Reinhold 0730-6679
37837 results for yearArchived: 2012 - page 43 of 1892