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Scholars Trust is a print archive program between the Association of Southeastern Research Libraries (ASERL), the Washington Research Library Consortium (WRLC), the FLorida Academic REpository (FLARE) and the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN). A total of 110 academic libraries are included in these four programs. Access is available through ILL, see

Country: USA

Operating Details

Status: Operational

Archive Type: Print

Format Archived: Journals

Selection: The program retains low use print journals. Titles are selected and housed by participating libraries. Please consult the list of current retained titles,

Retention Period: Fixed date

Ownership: Original owner

Archiving Categories

Category Completeness Validation Condition Validation Member Access Nonmember Access
Not specified Not specified Electronic or physical delivery Electronic or physical delivery

This page was last updated 03/23/2025