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241 results for institution: Florida International University (FXG) - page 1 of 13
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
AB bookman's weekly : for the specialist book world. Sol M. Malkin 0001-0340
Accounting articles. Commerce Clearing House
ACRL university library statistics. Association of College and Research Libraries
Advances in chemistry series. American Chemical Society 0065-2393
Advances in financial planning and forecasting. JAI Press
Advances in mathematical programming and financial planning. Jai Press 1048-4760
Advances in public interest accounting. JAI Press 1041-7060
Advancing the consumer interest : ACI / a publication of the American Council on Consumer Interests. 1044-7385
African and Asian studies. Brill Academic Publishers 1569-2094
American journal on intellectual and developmental disabilities. American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 1944-7515
Annals of nutrition & metabolism. Karger 0250-6807
Annals of the Southeastern Conference on Latin American Studies. West Georgia College 0883-7511
Annual in therapeutic recreation. American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance 2328-2800
Annual progress in child psychiatry and child development. Brunner/Mazel 0066-4030
Annual report / Rand Corp
Annual report / Inter-American Development Bank. The Bank 0074-087X
Antiques & collecting magazine. Lightner Pub. Corp 1084-0818
Anuario bibliográfico colombiano "Rubén Pérez Ortiz." Instituto Caro y Cuervo, Departamento de Bibliografía
Art nexus. Arte en Colombia 0122-1744
Asia-Pacific development journal. United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific 1020-1246
241 results for institution: Florida International University (FXG) - page 1 of 13