Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 278 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR. Izd-vo Akademii nauk SSSR 0002-3264
Doklady Rossiĭskoĭ Akademii nauk. A [publisher not identified] 1607-5773
Doklady. Consultants Bureau 0012-5008
Doklady. Consultants Bureau Enterprises 0012-4974
Doklady. Consultants Bureau 0012-4990
Doklady. Consultants Bureau Enterprises 0012-4966
Doklady. Consultants Bureau 0012-4958
Doklady. Consultants Bureau
Doklady. proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Consultants Bureau 0012-5016
Doklady. Russian Academy of Sciences. American Mathematical Society 1064-5624
Dokumente zur Deutschlandpolitik. A. Metzner 0070-7031
Dollars & cents of convenience centers. Urban Land Institute 1058-5176
Domes : digest of Middle East studies. School of Library and Information Science at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee 1060-4367
Domestic animal endocrinology. Domendo, Inc. 0739-7240
Domestic marketing for travel and tourism : Travel Industry Association of America
Domestic outlook for travel & tourism : Association of America
Dong Wu li shi xue bao / Dong Wu da xue Dong Wu da xue 1025-0689
Dong Wu she hui gong zuo xue bao = Soochow journal of social work. Dong Wu da xue 1026-4493
Dong Wu she hui xue bao = Soochow journal of sociology. Dong Wu da xue 1019-0449
Dong Wu wai yu xue bao = Soochow journal of foreign languages and literatures. Dong Wu da xue, wai yu xue yuan 0259-3777
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 278 of 1080