Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 279 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Dong Wu wen shi xue bao = Soochow journal of humanities. Dong Wu da xue 1010-0733
Dong Wu zheng zhi she hui xue bao = Soochow journal of social & political sciences. Dong Wu da xue 0259-3785
Dong Wu zheng zhi xue bao = Soochow journal of political science. Dong Wu da xue 1019-8636
Dong Wu Zhong wen xue bao = Soochow journal of Chinese studies Dong Wu da xue chu ban she 1027-1163
Dongbei zhi chuang (东北之窗) = Window of Northeast Dongbei zhi chuang za zhi she 10063161
Données sociales. Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques 0758-6531
Dorot : Hotsaʼat sefarim N. Ṭversḳi
Dortmunder Beiträge zur Zeitungsforschung. Verlag Dokumentation [etc.] 0417-9994
Dos Idishe likhṭ. M. Ehrenṭal
Dos Idishe ṿorṭ. Dos Yiddishe vort. Agudas̀ Yiśro'el in Ameriḳe 0513-5419
DoubleTake. Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University 1080-7241
Dow Jones telerate bank register. Euromoney Books
Dow Jones-Irwin no-load mutual funds. Dow Jones-Irwin 0887-2066
Down syndrome quarterly. [publisher not identified] 1087-1756
Dox : documentary film quarterly DOX 09297529
Dōshisha literature (Doshisha literature) English Literary Society of Dōshisha 0046063X
Drama & theatre. State University College 0012-5954
Drama. British Theatre Association 0012-5946
Drama. British Drama League
Dreaming : journal of the Association for the Study of Dreams Human Sciences Press 1053-0797
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 279 of 1080