Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 280 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Dreamworks. Human Sciences Press 0192-2890
Drexel library quarterly. Drexel University, etc 0012-6160
Drug and alcohol dependence. Elsevier Sequoia 0376-8716
Drug and alcohol review Carfax Pub. Co 0959-5236
Drug and chemical toxicology. Dekker 0148-0545
Drug development and industrial pharmacy. Taylor & Francis [etc.] 0363-9045
Drug development research. Alan R. Liss 0272-4391
Drug discovery today. Elsevier Science Ltd. ; Distributed by Virgin Mailing and Distribution 1359-6446
Drug facts and comparisons. Facts and Comparisons 0277-9714
Drug metabolism and disposition: American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, etc 0090-9556
Drug metabolism and drug interactions. Freund 0792-5077
Drug metabolism reviews. Marcel Dekker 0360-2532
Drug store market guide. Drug Store Market Guide 0277-3716
Drugs & society. Haworth Press 8756-8233
Drugs and drug abuse education newsletter. Scope Publications 0012-6675
Drugs and drug abuse education newsletter. Editorial Resources Inc. 0744-2823
Drugs made in Germany. [Editio Cantor] 0012-6683
Drugs under experimental and clinical research. J.R. Prous 0378-6501
Drying technology. M. Dekker 0737-3937
Du shi (都市) = Dushi wenxue = Dushi Cheng shi wen xue she 10077790
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 280 of 1080