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19711 results for program: Portico - page 282 of 986
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Folklorica. Slavic & East European Folklore Association 1920-0234
Food & foodways. G+B/Harwood 0740-9710
Food & function. Royal Society of Chemistry 2042-6496
Food & history / Institut européen d'histoire de l'alimentation = European Institute of Food History Brepols 1780-3187
Food additives & contaminants. Taylor & Francis 1944-0049
Food additives & contaminants. Taylor & Francis 1939-3210
Food additives and contaminants : analysis, surveillance, evaluation, control Taylor & Francis 0265-203X
Food Analytical Methods Springer 1936-9751
Food and agricultural immunology Carfax Pub. Co., Taylor & Francis 0954-0105
Food and Bioprocess Technology Springer 1935-5130
Food and bioproducts processing : transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part C. The Institution ; Hemisphere Pub. Corp. [distributor] 0960-3085
Food and chemical toxicology : Pergamon 0278-6915
Food and cosmetics toxicology. Pergamon Press 0015-6264
Food and Environmental Virology Springer 1867-0334
Food and nutrition bulletin. United Nations University 0379-5721
Food and nutrition sciences Scientific Research Pub. 2157-944X
Food and waterborne parasitology International Association of Food and Waterborne Parasitology 2405-6766
Food Biophysics Springer 1557-1858
Food bioscience Elsevier 2212-4292
Food chemistry. Applied Science Publishers 0308-8146
19711 results for program: Portico - page 282 of 986