Search Results

21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 341 of 1080
Title Publisher ISSN Program (Institution)
Fontes archaeologici Pragenses / Museum nationale Pragae, Sectio praehistorica. Sectio praehistorica, Museum nationale Pragae 0015-6183
Fontes artis musicae. Kassel und Bärenreiter-Verlag 0015-6191
Food & foodways. G+B/Harwood 0740-9710
Food additives & contaminants. Taylor & Francis 1944-0049
Food and agricultural immunology Carfax Pub. Co., Taylor & Francis 0954-0105
Food and chemical toxicology : Pergamon 0278-6915
Food and cosmetics toxicology. Pergamon Press 0015-6264
Food biotechnology. Dekker 0890-5436
Food chemistry. Applied Science Publishers 0308-8146
Food microbiology. Academic Press 0740-0020
Food policy. IPC Science and Technology Press 0306-9192
Food processing. Putman Pub. Co. 0015-6523
Food quality and preference. Longman Scientific & Technical 0950-3293
Food research : an official publication of the Institute of Food Technologists. The Institute 0095-974X
Food Research Institute studies in agricultural economics, trade and development. Food Research Institute, Stanford University 0015-6566
Food Research Institute studies. Food Research Institute, Stanford University 0193-9025
Food Research Institute studies. Food Research Institute 0193-5038
Food research international. Published on behalf of the Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology by Elsevier Applied Science 0963-9969
Food reviews international. Marcel Dekker 8755-9129
Food science and technology international = Ciencia y tecnología de los alimentos internacional Chapman & Hall 1082-0132
21589 results for validationLevel: Issue - page 341 of 1080